MPMA's Advocacy Work
Registration for Museums Advocacy Day for MPMA Members is free.
Contact MPMA at for the member code.
Have an issue that needs support?
Want to Join MPMA's Advocacy Committee?
We also have fun while advocating for you!
Museum Advocacy Day (MAD)
MAD is always the last Monday and Tuesday in February.
Briefs on the top 3 issues are handed out each year.
Want to advocate for museums? Contact MPMA for details:
The annual Museums Advocacy Day takes place in February at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Advocates around the country gather for two days. The first day is for issue briefings and political updates, and special sessions with advocacy experts and colleagues who are leading innovative advocacy experiences in their states. Training includes step-by-step instructions for how to set up meetings with elected officials in your home town and what to say during those meetings. AAM hosts Advocacy Day and arranges all appointments in DC.
Economic Impact Statement:
Whenever you visit a member of Congress, hand him/her an Economic Impact Statement for your museum. These carry a lot of weight with Congress and they are easy to create.
How To Guide: This is a step-by-step guide for making appointments and discussing issues
Attends Advocacy Day - read
more about what we did, will do and see pix
About MPMA's Advocacy
MPMA helps its members to get their issues heard at the regional and national levels. MPMA represents the mountain and plains section of the country at the American Association of Museums' Council of Regional Associations (CRA) which discusses and advises AAM on trends and issues from around the nation. MPMA encourages its members to inform MPMA about issues and trends from the field so that it can bring these to the attention of this national body. It also encourages members to alert MPMA to any situation that may require helping public officials better understand the role of museums in a local community or state.
Should you have an
issue that MPMA can help with or should know about, please contact
the MPMA office at 303.979.9358 or by email at
All confidential requests will be honored.