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MPMA Mission and Ethics



The Mountain-Plains Museums Association (MPMA) is a regional organization of museums and museum professionals that advocates excellence in the field, provides a forum for communication between its members, and shares creative learning opportunities with the region’s diverse audiences.  MPMA is the voice of its members in appropriate state, regional, and national arenas. 



The Mountain-Plains Museums Association Board of Directors is composed of museum community leaders with professional interest and experience in museums and not-for-profit organizations.  Public trust and member confidence are central to the effectiveness of MPMA.  The Board has a responsibility to ensure that the mission of MPMA is consistently and effectively implemented; that policies are in place to oversee the fiduciary and managerial policies; and that all procedures meet current museum and business standards.  Board members are to represent the MPMA in a positive and supportive manner, and be advocates for MPMA and for museums in general.  Board members should have an understanding of the basic documents that provide the Association’s direction, including the by-laws, mission statement, policies, and financial position.  Each Board member must be a member of Mountain-Plains Museums Association.



An open meeting policy is applicable to Board meetings and minutes.  At the same time, Board members both at and outside of meetings shall respect requests for confidentiality and exercise discretion on such matters.  Confidential issues which arise while serving on the Board shall continue to be respected after a member’s term is completed.



As Board members, individuals must keep in mind the not-for-profit status of the Association and the inherent public trust.  Self-interest cannot be placed ahead of the Association.  The conflict of interest policy is established to ensure that every Board member’s decision regarding the Association and the use or disposition of its assets is made solely on the terms of its benefit to MPMA, and not influenced by any other personal or professional gain.  In situations where there appears to be a possible conflict between a Board member and MPMA, full disclosure should be made to the President.  This will allow a review of the matter by the Executive Committee and appropriate resolution.   



MPMA:  A 10-State Museum Association

Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming

All content © 2002-2008 Mountain-Plains Museums Association (MPMA) | 7110 West David Drive | Littleton, CO 80128-5404

T: 303.979.9358   mountplains@aol.com